Ive looked on the firmware page that somebody posted a link to, and im wondering what is the firmware thats best for this device at the moment? Also i would like to know wether the firmware would be safe to use and wont destroy my drive. ive got the 'GSO8' at the moment, is this the best there is for faster and more reliable burning??? any help greatly appreciated
Must be a soccer thing As a general rule, the newest firmware is the best. The new versions typically add more media compatibility and sometimes improved write methods. It looks like the GS08 firmware is the stock version for your drive with GSOH being the newest. If you aren't encountering any problems then you really don't have to upgrade your firmware whereas if you're encountering bad burns or the drive seems picky with certain brands of media, a firmware update could very well solve that. I'm not sure if you've checked out this link, but it has extensive tools and tips just for Lite On drives: http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?s=9f2071269e1b0791ff245f8b1c504b71&threadid=83441 Hope this helps