Like I stated in my previous post,I have a LiteOn LVW-5045 coming monday.I am new to this forum.Do I want to use any hacked firmware,and if so,why.I have already downloaded the latest firmware from Liteon to install when it comes in.Is there anything I need to know on how to upgrade the firmware? Jim Scarpine
When you get your new 5045 DON'T DO any thing with the firmware (At present) until you thoroughly check these sites. The ilo 04 is by Liteon A thread on this site is about 20 down by Gtrman (Guitarman] read it than the other sites
Hello All I am very new to this but I seem to be suffering similar problems to most with the LVW5045. I unfortunately have two of them with the same problem. Unable to write to DVD from HD. I am currently on Firmware 197 but the machines will only read all discs. I have tried upgrading to both 201 and 203 but all that appears to do with my machines is stop them reading copied discs and will only read original DVD's. Any Ideas would helpful. Thank you in advance.