Wanted to update firmware to 203US hacked, does the MV disable hack work on version 203US or do I have to stick with version 197 ??. Guitarman has a version 197USRevB, is this the one I need ?? Appreciate your help and advice.
Check these sites and do as Guitarman says The 5045 does not appear to have any issues http://ncc2315.com/ilo/ http://www.techolio.com/forums/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=7 http://www.normediasolutions.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=12
The machine has version 201. What is the difference/improvements between 197, 201 and the latest 203 ?? Thanks
My Quote The 5045 does not appear to have any issues ------------------------------------------- Sorry for that information [It was wrong] I was thinking of the ilo unit. It would seem that you looked at the first site I gave. I do believe Gutarman has covered the firmware problems. very well. I do not have a 5045 but two ilo RHD04,(a LiteOn) basically the same as the 5045 but a different firmware. As I understand it. The latest firmware for many LiteOn units have changed and present some problems Again follow the instructions given there, and on the other forums I gave [Edit] There is reference made to the firmware you spoke off on the other sites I gave. It would seem that there may be some advantage in the 201 and 203 for some but many have gone back to 197 for the hack. I think if you go through these you can decide what is best for you. Again as I understand it is not a problem in going back to 197 but check it out.