I have a Liteon lightscribe external dvd burner. the model is DX-20A3H05C. It burned like the first ten movies I backed up fine on Verbatim DVD+R 16X dvd's but it just stopped all of a sudden saying illegal disk in. So i tried burning one on a DVD+RW non lightscribe disk and it worked. Why would it not work with my lightscribe DVD's anymore? The DVD+RW was 4X. Any held would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, I just got one of them for Christmas and only burned a couple of Ritek discs on it and all seemed fine. I burn slow at 2.4x for dl and 4x for -R. Could burn speed be your prob? See if you can update firmware for it and then give it a go.
where can i update it. I went to the site but my model number wasn't there so I don't know how to update it.
it wasn't on there. thanks for the idea though. I just don't know if that's what i need to do or what. it burns RW DVD's just fine. I even slowed the burn speed down on it.
I got a hold of liteon and they said that they don't have firmware for that model yet. Does that mean it isn't available. They said to use well known DVD's. Isn't Verbatim a good brand?
This might be a stupid question and I apologize if it is but the site has DH for the first two numbers of the model and mine is DX. Does this matter?
You need to download the LightScribe Control Panel(google it) and update your DVD+R's firmware. That should do it.