Hi, I think i've locked my remote control by accident. I have a sagem dbox2 and there is a "lock rc" option somewhere. I'm not sure but i think someone must have pressed it by accident because the remote control doesnt seem to work. I've tried the obvious (changed batteries!) but no joy. Does anyone know how to unlock it? I've got the Pacino image. Thanks
The simplest way would be to FTP into your Dbox to back up your services.xml & bouquets.xml files, reflash with IFA and put your files back.
try pressing home or turning it off then back on at the mains, if that dont work the fastest way to solve it would be a reflash like fekker sais. The time it takes someone to come up with a solution to that problem could possibly take a while. In all the time iv had a dbox iv never heard of that problem so best bet would be a reflash. All the best m8
Didn't work. I now can't use the box as I don't the ip address to ftp in to put my files back. Its knackered.
Look at the TV screen when it's booting up & you will see the IP address displayed on one of the screens.