Logical Unit Region has not been set on Sony DRU-500A

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by blade717, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. blade717

    blade717 Guest

    Just bought this recorder for it's ability to write multiple formats. Problem: When I try to record a DVD to my hard drive using DVD Decryter the follow error appears "Logical Unit Region has not been set!" Do I need a region patch, and if so, where might I find it? Thanks
  2. davenport

    davenport Guest

    I am having the same problem, if you hear any feedback please let me know.
  3. rsa899

    rsa899 Member

    Nov 13, 2002
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    I am having the same problem. Using WinXP. I was able to rip with another DVD (reader only) and burn with the Sony though.
    Don't know if this helps, but i was trying it originally thru remote desktop. I installed the Cine DVD player software that came with the DRU-500A, rebooted the machine, tested the movie in the player software, and i am no longer getting the error... including thru remote desktop.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2002
  4. maneframe

    maneframe Guest

    SOLUTION: For some reason my DRU-500A shipped without its region set. You have to set it first in Device Manager to make the error messages go away. Just find your DRU-500A in Device Manager, right-click, go to Properties, then click tab for "DVD Region." Set it appropriately. That's it!

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