I converted a ts file from pvr device using video redo,and it converted it to vob(dvd) and then when i went to create a dvd using nero7 it took over 3 hours to make dvd ( says transcoding video). can someone tell me if there is a faster way to make my dvds or what i am doing wrong for it to take that long.Please any help would be greatly apprieated. Thanks
It sounds like you used Nerovision to make the DVD. If you already have VOB files you can use Nero Burning ROM to burn to disk without having to transcode or Nero Recode if you have to shrink to fit a disk. What was the size of the folder with the VOB files?
I used Nero ( Make DVD-Video) and it took over 3 hours, it did the trancoding and then burn, when i did the convert from video Redo fom TS to VOB it takes 1 to 2 minutes to do and then saves as vob file. am i doing something wrong or missing a step. I tried nero burning rom and it didnt work it stated cannot add file, is there a step by step process anywhere from TS file to makeing dvd video,or a program that converts ts and burn at once. Thanks all feedback is appricated. Badboy