I've done alot of work on xbox's in the past...Well over 300 TSOP's, 100's of Modchip installs and some exploits. I do ALOT of killer hardware mod's. PM ME if you are looking for a installer. Here are some of the mod's i've done in the past http://img67.photobucket.com/albums/v205/xboxexpert/
If you don’t have something inelegant to say don’t say something at all, moron. If the admin's have something to say about this thread I will be more then happy to work out a deal with them to advertise on there site, for god's sake it is there site.
Yep, we sorta have a problem, as unfortunate it is -- the guy who replied was correct, I've taken a rather firm rule against "free advertising", however "garage-based" it might be. So, in case you're interested of advertising, either via text links (the blue/white thingies just below the banner), banners, etc contact us via the advertisement page, link is at the bottom of each page. Typically unauthorized advertising causes a permanent ban, but now I simply ask you not to do it in future (and remove the mentions from the message above) and consider for-fee advertising instead.