Looking for someone that has a plextor premium that made a perfect backup copy of 2.9 safedisk i have tried almost every program and every way possible and i only got it to work with blindwrite...but i need the program installed or it wont laungh..
I used my Premium to back up Safedisc 3.1 with Alcohol 120% ver. 1.4.8 using Datatype:Safedisc 2/3. The copy works wonderfully in my other PC that has no copying software on it except Nero.
Could either one of you use A Ray Scanner and scan COD(Call Of Duty) and report here on this thread if the cd protection is Safedisc 3.10 or Safedisc 3.15, I would deeply appreciate. A-Ray Scanner:http://www.aray-software.com/ Shoey
Were you able to make a 1:1 backup of COD? (Backup plays in a dvd\cd-rom using no emulation and Alcohol 120 and BlindWrite 5 uninstalled.? Do you have a true Safedisc 2.9 pc game to test? Shoey
shoey..i need something to run or install that program a ray scanner. And how the hell does Nephs safedisk protection back up a game and mine does not... same burner..and i tried that with alchy..messedup
When you unzip A-Ray it runs from the folder it unzipped to, there is no install process. Call Of Duty is Safedisc 3.1 and a damn good game as well.
You need a zip utility to extract the files. Winzip is the most popular but I like Extract Now myself just because I can. It's a great little freeware app. Here's a link: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download2029.html
i have winzip..its a .rar file i didnt think winzip did that .... OMG BLAH BLAH this safedisk stuff is annoying
OK WHITE FLAG I have tried the following.. R= read to hard drive W= Write to disk R Alcohole 120% W 120% R Clone CD W 120% R Alchohole 120%W Fireburner R Clone CD W Fireburner R Blindwrite W Blindwrite R Clone CD W Clone CD All failed with emulation backing up C & C Generals safedisk 2.9 ..dont get it...any more ideas?