Hello, for awhile now I've considered myself to work fairly efficient with computers; but now I'd like to get more in-depth with them and start learning the more advanced stuff; such as learning the languages of Java and HTML.....or just the simple crap like learning ALL of the computer terms.....;; any good books you know of, I want your imput...
if u want to learn about like gpp's and just general stuff i recommend u get computing studies by john walsh.The frank frame books are pretty good aswell.
You may wish to take a look at hardware constituents of PC, read an basic articles or FAQ's at hardware related sites. You can find a lot of them in the Net.
If you have money(a pretty fair amount), for web scripts(flash, jave, html, php, etc.) I suggest you get something like macromedia dreamweaver and a tutorial from lynda.com. that will help you get into advanced script editing fairly quick(if you are pretty computer literate).
if you want to learn flash get macromedia flash or download the trial version to check it out and get a series of viedo's from craig, google this: craig at lern flash, they have GREAT video tutorials its because of him i can make professional web stuff like animation and web components
if you want that you should buy macromedia mx because it includes a photoshop like program and a flash maker and a web page/site editor.
no no dont get macromedia MX get macromedia flash 8 as it has more features and has photoshop features.
Flash 8 is a great start to what I hope to see it become. I love how they have incorperated the filters like they use in PSCS2