Hi, I have a newbie question that I tried searching for but I didn't see anything (maybe not searching correctly)...anyway I was wondering, if I encoded 2 files into AVI files using Xvid, then I use the same program to combine the 2 files and create a new AVI file...did I lose more from compression if I didn't alter the settings (resolution, etc...) ??? Another perspective would be if I took and Xvid file and re-encoded it without changing the settings, am I losing quality each time it re-encodes? Thanks.
If the 2 avi files are identical (same bitrate/encoder/resolution) you can use the free avidemux to "copy" append the 1st to the 2nd avi without reencoding (no video loss). If the 2 avi's are different types/bitrates/resolutions , then you will have to reencode and you will loose quality.
Cool, thanks for the reply. So basically, anytime you re-encode video, even leaving the settings the same, you will lose quality? So, if I re-encode a video 15 times (each time re-encoding the newly created file) I will be left with a pretty poor video..despite leaving the settings the same (theoretically)?