hi im really new to all this, i've had my nokia dbox2 for a while and its worked great up untill now i did a service scan wich picked up the movie channels but now ive lost the discovery channels, they appear on the epg and it tells you what should be on but the screen is black/no sound does any body know what ive done wrong? any help would be great thanks in advance
how do i update the emu i thought that was something that hung off rod hulls arm, is there any chance off getting a step by step on how to do this? again thanks for any help
If some scrambled channels are working it makes no sense to update the emu. Do a scan again and reboot the box after that, Select update in the bouquet line or dead channels survive.
thanks i will give it a bash ive rescanned but not rebooted, it seems to be the same channels missing (all discovery) they appear on the epg but the screen is black
Very funny, I had a similar problem, when I changed the EMUlator from evocamd to mgcamd they came back. In the end I had to flash a newer image because the EMU's were too old.