I seem to be losing channels on my starview box, it was coming up scrambled or bad channel, i tried to instal them again with the manual scan still nothing so i did a factory reset and a scan and although i have all most them all back i cant get the movie channels only one i get is sky premier and sky modern, checked to see if they were in a hid channel but no joy.Any ideas as what has happened to them
It would help to know where you are and what provider? Also have a read here and see if it is relevant to you http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/movies_sports_in_york_leeds_harrogate_areas_of_the_uk-818671/
sorry it it with v****n and im in the glasgow area, i read the thread and now im wondering if we will be able to get the channels at all now
I took the box and tried to do the scan without the splitter as i have it split into 2 and I got the channels back only thing i cant get is bbc3 but i will keep trying
I think they must be working there way down from North to South ?? Maybe we can one thread with updates as to what areas have began to be affected save everyone guessing.
??? have you seen the link in the above post? Dont confuse an outage to whats happening in the above post