i am a little lost about how to use the dvd decoder and the dvd shrinker ? the tutoral from the shrinker has 2 parts, one which states to open the cd directly and modefy it (shrink it) and the other to open files already decoded with the decoder? where does the relationship between the two meld together ? or is it seperate situations ? i also shrunk a dvd down to 350, below the 480 mark and it still told me there was not enough space on the cd ? i am confused on weather to decode it and open up the files with the shrinker, or just open up the cd with the shrinker ? i hope i dont sound too stupid, but i am realitivelly new at this. i just want to burn back up copy's for my children because they destroy the originals so fast !!! thanx for all your help.
sorry, yes i do have a dvd burner. oops. what i meant was on the cd that i was going to burn the dvd to, the data cd. hope that helps.
OK, we'd really like to help you, but it is difficult when you start mixing up terminology. Just because a DVD is the same size and shape as a CD, it isn't a CD. If you are trying to burn a DVD to a CD-R, it won't work. A DVD holds 7-14 times as much data.
ok, so they make cd's that are bigger and are made for burning dvd back ups ? and can someone please help me with the dvddecoder/dvdshrinker question i asked ? the dvd decoder instructions say you cannot procede unless the dvd is under 4,382,457,856 bytes. most are around 8,405,460,992 bytes. that means i have to use the shrinker. but after i shrink it below the 4,000,000,000 byte mark, how do/or do i/ open it back up with the decoder ? the only way it shows to open is from the source drive ? i hope that clears my problem up. thanx for your help, im sorry im not that good with "terminology", like i said, i am new at this, but im not stupid either. when i get the relationship and sequence right, i will be on my way. thanx for the help.
"ok, so they make cd's that are bigger and are made for burning dvd back ups ? " No. CDs and DVDs are two entirely different beasts. In order to get started with this you need to differentiate between the two. If you are trying to backup a DVD movie you will need a blank DVD disc. Then let us know what specific software (programs) you are trying to use to back up your DVD. The more info you give us, the better we can help you. Everybody is new at this at some point.
http://www.dawnload.net/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_decrypter.cfm, is the url where the dvd decrypter v3.1.6.0 came from, it doent say who made it, and http://www.mrbass.org/dvdshrink/ is where the shrinker is from. thanx Nophilim for being patient, someday i will return the info to another newbee . like i said, i cant decrypt first because the dvd is beyong 4,000,000,000, and i cant shrink it then decrypt because there is no way from the decrypter to open files, just the dvd from the dvd drive....so im in a kind of circular trap here. cant do one because the other wont let me and visa versa...........help !!!!!!! thanx for your time, sandtiger
Am I correct in assuming that you have just a DVD burner and no other drive capable of reading a DVD like a DVD-ROM drive? If you are working with only your burner you can use just DVD Shrink to decrypt/compress your movie to your hard drive without using DVD Decrypter. Just pop your DVD into your DVD drive, then open DVD Shrink. Orphius has a great tutorial on his site to take you from there. Hope this helps. http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink.htm
heres what i got, a regular cd-rom, and a dvd-rw/ cd-rw. here is a quick veiw of the hardware-DVD-RW Drive 4.8X max. DVD-RW/DVD-R reading3 12X max. DVD-ROM reading 32X max. CD-R/CD-RW reading 20X max. CD-RW reading 8X max. CD-R writing 4X max. CD-RW writing 2X max. DVD-R writing 1X max. DVD-RW writing CD-ROM Drive 40X max. CD-R/CD-ROM reading4 24X max. CD-RW reading agian, thanx for the help, and with this hardware all i need is the dvdshrinker ?
Yes. It will decrypt/compress for you. Please check out the link I gave above for the full skinny - it helped me out alot! Happy burning!