i've some how lost my ms dash on my xbox. when i turn the xbox on the led flashes green and then the screen goes blank. when I insert a game to load the same happened. Have i ost the dash fromsomewhere. Is it possible to gett access to the HHD and ftp the problem
do you have a chip or a softmod....if you have a softmod go here http://my.afterdawn.com/thereturn/blog_entry.cfm/374/hotswap
Ok lets get this straigh as ive been smokinging so funny stuff and i want to get my xox back to the way it should be. I have no error code. The xbox boots up and the big green X appears with microsoft in white below and then the screen goes black. When i boot up with a ame in the dvd drive the game loads. Thats ok, ut otherwise i cant do anything. It is still possible for me to load up the 007 game and then load the save game exploit which brings up a dash screen with 1 backup eerom 2 install ndure soft mod 3 resore from rescue disc 4 switch menu 5 dashboard setting ive done the eeprom back up and that was ok next onto the install and i get an error message when i go onto the restore option I dont have a disc. The ndure exploit that i downloaded came with a rescue folder. I wass wondering i I mad an image with NERO and the used dvd encriptor to make a xbox XISO would that help me out or are there any directed downloads available for a rescue disc of any kind.
i dont really know the problem,the only thing i have ever heard like this is on the xbox version 1.0 and 1.1 because MS put 1 mb flash roms with 4 256k bios and one would burn out so they fixed it by booting one of the other bios banks......but since your gettings the game to boot its not that....can you tell me what files are in your E and C drive.....
Righty.. Here we go. If you have a look for a download of the exploit you used in the first place then it will have a skeleton of the recovery disk in it. What you need to do is source a full set of M$ dash files and put them in the right place on the disk. The readme file with the exploit will explain where they go.. Then do the restore from disk option and you should be good to go. You will need to do the exploit again but that isn't a problem.. ;-)
where do i get the ms source files from, i hav downloaded AID3 and slayer. Is it possible to extract them from one of these packages.. I have serch torrents but there are no seed
i found a site that had the m dash as a download. I then made an image of those files with the the rescue folder with nero and then used DVD Decrypter to make an xbox xiso. When I ran the exploit again an followed the instructions the green service screen appeared with error code 21 in the corner.
"i found a site that had the m dash as a download." Hi laroc1, Would you mind posting the URL for the site you found the ms dash on as I seem to have the same problem as yourself and now need those files !!! cheers
Heh Heh Heh...I don't think anybody will post a link to them.. closest you will get is x-b-o-x.net or xbins.. Or you can use extractxiso and rip them from a downloaded xbox installer.
if you wanna click my name and go to my downloads sections i hapeend to have what you need in my theridges tools..