Aye carumba, shrink wouldn't find the disk and I discovered that sometime between lastnight and this evening that my cd/DVD drives drivers have become corrupted and will not load. I have the following drives: Toshiba ODD-DVD SD-R5272 and Lite-on LTR-24102B. Any help would be muey important cause as we know, our CD/DVD drives are the lifeblood of our systems. Thanks
Have you tried a system restore? Have you tried 'updating' the drivers from your Windows install disk? Have you searched Microsoft for drivers to download and install over the corrupted ones? I have installed Win98 over itself any number of times because things get corrupted every 6-12 months (or so it seems) on my older computer. Have even installed XP over itself once. Was a little leary of it just because XP is so uppity at times. But all went well for me. You might have to reinstall DirectX and a few other things like personal settings. This might help with the drivers. I would try the other ideas first.
You symptoms usually happen when a burning software has been installed or uninstalled from the computer. Have you done either of those, recently? If so, you can do the upper and lower filter removal, if you are comfortable with going into the registry.
I removed and reinstalled anyDVD recently. Could this have possibly affected my drives? No other programs have been changed. I tried looking on the web sites for the manufactures of my drives, no luck tho. They have new firmware but that will not load cause the computer is not seeing the drives. I have googled thouroughly with no luck. Aaaaaaaaa. Somebody give me a hammer. For the meantime I have fallen back to my laptop. While not as fast, it still gets the job done.
Check this out: And the link to this page is here:http://www.aumha.org/regfiles.php It is the OTHER REGISTRY PATCHES section.