I'm new to this and over the past few days have lost all the movie channels, Sky Sports 3 and Sky Sports Extra. Can someone let me know step by step how I delete these and then do a scan to get them back and save them again please? My provider is Virgin Media and I have a D-Box Nokia. Any help much appreciated.
just do a rescan it happened to me the other day the rescan took 1 hour 10 minutes but brings them all back.
1/press dbox on your remote control 2/use the up and down arrows to service menu 3/ the service menu should now be displayed press the ok buton 4/ then scroll down to scan and press ok
-Press 'Dbox' on you control -Choose 'services' -Go to 'service scan' -Scan it. Personally I turned fast scan off to try and squeeze out as much as i could. -scanning lasted 2 hours It should worked. Film 4, NASN and others read 'no epg' on my box before. Now they work perfectly. I even get lots of new channels such as five US, five life, ITV 3 and 4 and some others. good luck
Head over to the website in my sig m8, theres guides on how to scan correctly for channels. Also we are building a database of service and boquet files, all are in process of updating them with new skymovie channels and all sport channels back. And gary m8, 1hr 10min scan must have been a pain in the ass? , well head over to the website in my sig we will show you how to do a full scan in under 5 mins
post in the forums m8, some will help you over there. It looks to me then you either have a faulty image or a bad cable connection
tam 1 hr 10 minutes was apain in the arse mate believe me. im registered on your site tam under my other name scouse so will have a look about what your on about doin it quicker thanks.