After much comparison shopping and perusal of these forums, I recently purchased my fist DVD burner, a Pioner DVR-X122. When I use the burner in direct conjunction with my editing program (Magix Video Deluxe 2.0 Plus), all goes well and the results are excellent. The Nero 7 software packaged with the unit is, however, a different story. It has given me nothing but trouble. When I click on 'Copy DVD', it either takes several minutes to come up, doesn't come up at all, or crashes the entire system. (When and if it finally does come up, it seems to work fine). Is this a common problem with Nero 7 or am I doing something wrong? Can I jettison this software and use something different? Advice and recommendations welcome!
[bold]When I click on 'Copy DVD'[/bold] It all depends of what your ripping and burning. 1) Nero cannot remove encryption.You can get a background ripper to pull off encryption like freeware dvd-43 or the free trial of anydvd by slysoft. 2)Size can make a difference too.If you're trying to backup one of your original dvds,there's 2 sizes of them. Dvd-9's are the larger movies with lots of bonus features. Dvd-5's are usually the lower budget flicks and not many extra features on them. If the movie is larger than your blank,it'll have to be compressed. Programs like freeware dvd shrink can compress it,unless it's heavily encrypted. You can set dvd shrink to autoburn with nero,but I'm not sure about nero7 and higher. If you have nerorecode 2 on your pc,it's very similar to dvd shrink.Same author created both of them. It'll rip and compress,just needs help removing the encryption. No encryption,should work. What are you trying to backup? Are you trying to rip and burn on the fly? With Anydvd running,using nero's copy disc feature: If the dvd I'm ripping can properly fit on a blank dvd-5 single layer disc,then it's possible.But it's very risky.This is called On The Fly. The most conventional way for this is rip to hardrive,then burn. There's some other great/freeware out there.Example: Dvd Decrypter, ImgBurn,DvdFabHD decrypter. A lot of free stuff out there,so worry about buying any programs. Most of the costly programs suck anyways, LOL.
My own DVD's, original videos made in QuickTime format, then converted to MPEG by the editing program's built-in encoder and burned to disc WITHOUT the Nero software's involvement (as far as I know). This works fine. The problem is calling up the 'Copy DVD' feature of the software package later on in order to make additional copies. At this point, the software has no idea what it's going to be called upon to copy, it just refuses to come up. Sometimes after 15 or 20 minutes a blank screen will come up with a 'not responding' notation at the top, once in a while it will work normally and a copy virtually indistinguishable from the original will be produced, but that happens only rarely. The other features such as disk identity and performance checking seem to work fine, though I haven't the slightest idea how to interpret the graphic patterns that the performance check produces.
I can't help you much on the magic video deluxe2. It does sound like you do get a dvd backup the 1st time.I'm not much into transferring mpeg,avi,and all those many different formats. You could try ripping that backup to the harddrive then burn as many copies as you can. Try ImgBurn and it's pretty simple and only a 1 program process for a 1:1 copy with no compression : After downloading it,open it up. Insert a disc you want copies of. 1) Click Mode Read 2)Select source drive-the drive that has that backup in case you have multiple drives. 3)Look at destination,that's where the files will go onto the HD..Click the small folder-Browse for file- to send to special HD or rename the folder if you'd like.Remember where the movie goes. 4)Everything looks ok from above,click the disc icons on lower left and she'll download it to the HD. You can tick a box to eject after the ripping. After the ripping and the backup is removed,which should only take 5 mins or so: 5) Insert blank/Click Mode/Write 6) Look for SOURCE-"Please select a file". 7) To the right of Source,there's 2 small folder icons.Click on the left one,not the one with the green + sign folder. 8) Fish out the file of that movie you ripped to that HD you selected in #3 destination. 9) When you locate that movie,look for the MDS file for it. Click on the MDS file and open. She's set. 10)Now to set your drive that'll burn. Click destination,set your pioneer there. 11) Set burn speed- 4x-8x to be cautious. 12) Select the amount of copies. I'd do 1 copy 1st,then make sure it plays ok. 13) When everything looks good,click the disc icons on lower left corner just like when you ripped. When you need extra copies,those files are still there and just go through steps 5-13 and you can burn copy after copy. Once you get it set up the 1st time,then everything is pretty much set for the next time you use it again.