hi, I wanted to record my audio cassettes to my PC.I'm using some cable like this: the cable works fine ,but when i tried to record my cassettes with it, it scrambled the sound up and you couldn't understand anything. I plugged one end of the cable into the headphone plug of my cassette player and the other end into the microphone plug of my PC. I recorded it with "audacity" and because that just scrambled it up I tried it with Windows Movie Maker on the Narration thing.But it was the same. can anyone help me ??? Thanks
A 'headphone output' is much too strong a signal for a 'microphone input'. You need a 'line input' on your sound card to record from the headphone jack. You should set the volume knob on the cassette player a little past half way and adjust the recording volume in Audacity until the level meter never quite touches the right hand end.
well,thanks but I've got a laptop(HP Pavilion dv9000)and it doesn't have a line-in.Isn't there any other way?
If you could find a cord like this http://www.radioshack.com/product/i...&origkw=attenuate&support=support&tab=summary only in stereo it might help.