Wondering how to open a LST File Extension without having to buy another "fix it" program. Is it possible? Thank you.
LST could be anything. For example, Visual Studio calls it "MASM Listing". Any ideas what kind of file you're trying to open?
Yes. I believe it's either a picture or "home" movie. I think I removed the old program ... for instance... a video shot with a Kodak Easy Share Camera... and then upgrading my computer and not re-installing "Kodak" Program because I like Nero or Roxio better and they worked with the file "before"...I upgraded. I'm just wondering if I have to re-install all the old program files I had for some of the picture files to work again. Thanks for the help
Only thing I found referencing to "Kodak" and "lst" was . So I don't think it's a picture or movie unless you're sure about it. What's the size of the file? If it is only few kilobytes or less, you can always have a look with notepad to it. edit: and there was no references LST being an image file.