whats the average price of a 312G(i think its that size) box of lucky charms cerial? i want my bro to bring me some back from the u.s when he gos over there next.
lucky charms are shite. you should stick with the cocopops mate. on a slight digress, has anyone else noticed that when you eat sugarpuffs you piss smells of nothing but. this is rank, very rank.
I don't know if 312g is the regular size, or the big box. It's probably what DJ Scoop said. Make sure you give you buddy some extra $$ for the task and the luggage space
lol i thought food would be under the list of illegal items on ebay. bear in mind that you would have to pay import tax on it as well so i think you are right. do they not make lucky charms here anymore?
nope thay got banned in england or something due to very high sugar content. thay stopped being sold here about 10 years ago now. i loved them i would eat them every day for breakfast and a bowl of them before i went to bed
chocolate lucky charms sh*t all over original, they dont have them in UK? Guess not, you gotta try Reese's Puffs, omg best cerial of all time.
yeah cereal....mm cereal.. lol yeah reeses are verryy good..chocolatey peanut buttery goodness but lucky charms are alright...there used to be this really good dirt cheap bagged cereal around here...i cannot find it anymore tho...it was better than lucky charms =pepsimaxx=