hey 2old,ever hear of this one?cant really find anything on it so dont know if its harmful or not.im leaning towards harmful as ive never seen it on any computer ive looked at but want to proceed with caution as always.
Gee, I'm really slow with Vietnamese so, I don't think I would keep it... lol Is it in your uninstaller?
i couldnt even make out the translation.LMAO.not on my computer so im getting this second hand.i concur about getting rid of it.thanks 2old.
No problem.. Proly just a PUP you can live without.. If you have any problem getting rid of it, just let me know..
Yeah, I used to scratch my homework and do-dads on the walls of my cave.. Drives the archaeologist nut-so.. he he
noticed the win10 flag in the taskbar which was put there via a sercuity update. found the update, uninstalled it & flag went bye bye.
I'll install it, make an image to play with and go back to 7..... If I like it, I got it like a double boot... hehe