M: D-LINK DSR-1000N Wireless VPN Router

Discussion in 'Myydään' started by mazai38, May 17, 2020.

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  1. mazai38

    mazai38 Newbie

    May 16, 2020
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    Myydään kunnollinen rautamuuri koti, harrastus tai pienyrityskäyttöön.
    - The DSR-1000N includes dual-WAN Gigabit Ethernet which provides policy-based service management, ensuring maximum productivity for your business operations
    - The Outbound Load Balancing feature1 adjusts outgoing traffic across two WAN interfaces and optimises the system performance resulting in high availability.
    - The second WAN port can be configured as a DMZ port allowing you to run isolated servers on your LAN.
    - Designed to deliver superior wireless performance, the DSR-1000N includes Wireless N on either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio bands.

    Tuotesivu: https://dlinkmea.com/index.php/product/details?det=UjNWU3YrTnZOV2xYb2JrRkpxeU1iQT09

    Sijainti: Pirkanmaa
    Hinta: 150€
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