does anyone know a place where i can send it in to get my xbox chipped? i have to xbox's one that i want to keep unmodded and the other i want chipped the one i want chipped isnt exactly working right now i dont know what happened but what happens when i try to turn it on is the christmas tree effect.. so can i send it in get the m0dchop installed then put a new hdd in it and make it work fine? if not then ill send the other one in.
Best customer service, price and turn around time is definately team modders. I don't work for them just a satisfied customer giving props!
JOHNSTARR. You have a Zenium Gold... Thinking of buying one. Does the built in OS make flashing the BIOS optional? My understanding is that the XBOX won't know how to play games, etc without it. What makes me wonder is that I read the OS takes up half of the 2mb BIOS chip. How do I determine what BIOS to get from #xbins? Forgive me.. See on the left under my username - "newbie" That explains a lot...
The first thing you will need to know before buying a zenium chip is what version your xbox is. Go to page 5 of the zenium install guide to determine. If your version is anything 1.5 or less the zenium solderless chip is for you. If it is a 1.6, don't even think about going this route cause IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO INSTALL!