My Verbatim Micro SD 2g died the other night - I believe the cheapo USB card reader I got with the M3 DS Real wrecked it. Anyways, I bought a Lexar Micro SD 2g and now when I boot up my DS Lite with the M3 DS Real it will freeze at various points: - White screen - Black screen with logo in bottom right - Black screen - Mini OS - In game within a few minutes. Any idea what the issue could be? Prior to everything, my M3 DS Real was in my DS for the past 3 monthes. Its only when I pulled it out the other night to put some new games onto it did everything fall to sh!t. Thanks
Sending it back for a refund. There is no 100% reliable way to fix it. You can take your chances and buy one...I wouldn't though.
little bold to basically be saying that it sucks. I have a 4 gig Lexar and it has worked great for me. I also have used the card reader that comes with the M3 DS Real, and a different card reader. Haven't had any issues with it