M3 ds real trouble PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by marccaron, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. marccaron

    marccaron Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    ok so i got my m3 in the mail today and i was pumped to use it.

    i throw the software on (i got it from www.m3adapter.com the M3 official website) then i continued to create a folder titled NDS and threw some ROMs on it. I booted it up and everything was fine except on the main menu i dont have the "games" icon so i cannot get to any of my games. So i went to the "mycard" icon and found them in the folder and they even had the correct icons but i couldnt play them.

    Also i found it strange that with my M3 real the insert for the micro SD is on the side rather than on the top. I doubt that is anything tho

    I have tried different softwares from different websites and most of them dont work except the original one i got. i also used several different ROMs from different websites and nothing has worked so far.

    I will appreciate any help that you guys have to offer and i can provide more detailed info/ pics if you need them.
    P.S. i did use a mac to do this, shouldn't do anything but i havnt tried it on my PC yet but i dont think it will make a difference

    Thank you for taking the time out to read and hopefully help me out
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Good News the side loader is genuine - a lot of new top loaders are fakes.

    Software - format you micro sd (FAT32)
    Put on this software - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=6123
    you need to unzip it, you will get 1 x folder (SYSTEM) put the complete folder on (not just the contents)
    Create a new folder (not in this folder) call it whatever you like
    Put the roms in here.

    On first power up it will ask you what software - pick Sakura
    It should then take you through a menu - don't work at this point just get it loaded.

    To start roms (or enter the folder), double click or put on the stylus and move the item to the right.

    Should work - one thing these do have is the DS won't see the cartridge, just goes to the DS menu, if this happens get back and I will tell you how to sort it
  3. marccaron

    marccaron Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    hey thanks a ton kittymat it works perfectly now!

    I really appreciate the help.

    oh one more question though... Do you know where the games save files are stored?

    thanks again

    Marc caron
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    In the same folder as the rom, you will end up with 2 or three files named the same, .sav = save file, .opt=options file (if you set download play etc
  5. marccaron

    marccaron Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    yeah i found it shortly after

    thanks again

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