Wonder if anybody can advise me on this subject.I have a M3 DS simply card. With the software files DS menu data,DS menu system and DS MSHL.NDS. The card will play some of the roms i put on it but out of 5 ,only 1 will work.Thought this was just bad roms at first but i have also just bought a DSTT card and all the roms work on that card.???IS there a newer piece of software or a patch i can buy,or is this just normal for this type of card.???I have found it does play the roms upto say 25meg????I am puzzled as i thought both of these cards performed the same. Help appreciated.
hello mate you can get the latest files for the m3ds simply from here - http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSS.html latest is System v1.14 - (Console software- English version update) once downloaded unrar it and simply copy the 2 folders and 2 files to your memory card . folders - _system_ + moonshl files - _DS_MENU + _DS_MSHL.NDS any more probs mate just let me know , woof811.
Hi, I have the M3 simpy card and some games don't play with the message on screen 'the save data could not be accessed'.I have downloaded the system v1.14. Any ideas please? Di
I had the same problem as yourself,but I just reloaded the system v1.14 and all was well after that. Hope it works for you.