is anyone know if i can change the m3dss skin, cause the one they make look so simple, and it boring looking. if u guys know how, could you tell me step by step how to change it.
make a folder named _system_ on your microsd's root. or if you updated you should already have that. put skin files(4 bitmap[*.bmp] images)you find [mostly from m3's forums] or make there. it should include picture files named: logo.bmp, icons.bmp, bckgrd1.bmp(i think), bckgrd2.bmp(i think). you can only use one skin at a time. check my skin out [in sig; but still boring...] and if you updated, make sure to put the "ebook" folder into the "_system_" folder before overwriting.
So what ur saying is, just make a regular folder called the "System", and make all the pic named as your discription. need to name the folder underscoreSYSTEMunderscore like this _SYSTEM_ Just like XbusterZ advised. Also there are tons of skins to be had here just extract into the _system_ folder and voila. If you want to make your own then you rename them.