I would like to by an M3 and pass key for my version 1 DS. I dont know much about modding DS so is there a begginers guide I can look at? Is there anything else I need to play GBA and DS roms from a memory card? How long will the battery last when Im playing music? Will I need to use alternate firmware? If so, will I be able to switch back to normal firmware in order to play my games on WiFi? If there anything else I need to know? There are probably lots of threads like this so you could just link me to one.
hi there mark From my understanding.. if you get a passkey you will not need to flash the firmware. You still can.. but then you won't really need the passkey anymore. I'm not too familiar with what you really need to mod a version 1 ds.. but I know later DS's need the PassCard3 instead of the passkey. Maybe someone else can chime in on this. Hope some of that helped!
ok, so my DS will still work with download play and someone else said that ROMs will actually work online, correct? After doing some reaserch from what I understand, I just install M3 manager and just click write DS or write GBA and it automaticly transfer the rom I select to the memory card, correct? Is there anything special I need to do to transfer music or do I just drag and drop the MP3 files to my memory card? I plan on getting a compact flash version as I have some CF cards laying around my house and I ussualy see them for cheaper. Is there anything in particular I need to know about that version?
Yes, just like the original game would. Yes, just select the SD/CF card, or a folder in the card and click WriteNDS/WriteGBA. Yes and No, you can convert the music for use with the M3 software, or just drag and drop the MP3's and use the M3's moonshell software to play them. It's the largest of the versions, and has the highest compatibilty with homebrew of all the M3 adapters due to the easiness of writing to a CF card compared to a SD card. @rdxtreme Don't just say castlevania test and expect everyone to know about it, give a link such as http://m3wiki.emuparadise.org/index.php/Media_Card and explain that you would recommend getting a card which has scored a 5 on the castlevania test as it will allow for video and larger games to work properly.
hehe yeh i've just been reading the DS forums all morning and pretty much know all there is.. or at least i feel like a guru
yeh, congratulations n00b. kidding. i might go for the ridata miniSD instead of the a-data SD... but then i wouldn't have anything else that can read miniSD i'm going to start a new thread about my hate for the new mini and micro cards
I read the castlevania test arcticle and basicly should I just avoid PNY and Viking cards? What exactley is moonshell?
If Viking and PNY cards have bad scores, yes. Moonshell is a program for the DS that allows the playing of music (eg MP3) and video (DPG) files, viewing of images, and loading of additional homebrew applictaions.
ok, I think thats everything I need to know, thanks. Wheres teh best place to buy an M3 and Passkey and which passkey do I need for a version 1 DS?
I got mine from Divineo. Though they charged me $16 for shipping, I got the item in 3 days. The item shipped from Canada I think.
Version 1 DS? DO you mean Firmware 1, or the phat DS. If it's firmware 1 a Passkey1, If it's a phat DS it could be anything unless you know what firmware you have.
Im pretty sure its firmware 1 as I got my DS when it came out back in November 04. So I should get a Passkey 1?
Sounds like you havn't actually checked your firmware. Either way, a Passkey 1 will work on the older firmwares, where as a Passkey 2 will work on all firmwares, but costs more. Yes, that link has the same setup I used to have so it will work.
ok thanks. One last question: is there any software for it that will let me play super nintendo ROMs?
Yes, um...sorta, lol SnesDS allows you to play SNES games, however it has long list of games that don't work with it yet. Download from: http://www.cs.utah.edu/~tew/snesDS/ Compatibilty List: http://luffy.free.fr/nds/snesds_compat/index.php
There are genesis emulators, but they are a work-in-progress and are not really playable (only running at a few FPS.