Hello I have read the tutorial and liked it I purchased an M3 version 2 SD mini with a passcard 3 for my DS Lite. My Question is when I start the DS it loads up and I choose the GBA slot (where the M3 is) and it loads up saying gameboy on the top screen and does nothing from there just a blank screen. The update is on the root of the card. I aslo took the card out of the m3 to see what would happen same thing except after the gameboy logo it says, Please insert SD card and reset or press start to continue. I pressed start after that and again a blank screen. Thanks again in advance if you can help. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. If there is anyone that can help let me know and I will be happy to give you any other info.
Hi there. You bought the M3 SD v2, right? Or was it the miniSD? Make sure your card is formatted before putting anything on there. Most memory cards come in RAW format from the factory, so they need to be formatted before using them. Also, you shouldn't have to choose the GBA slot when you have a Passcard3 - it should either automatically load or you should choose Passcard3. Also, try taking off the update file and see if it boots.
If you have the passcard (which is the passkey 3, no such thing as a passcard 3), then you shouldn't have to select gba. It should just boot right into the m3 menu.
Hey thanks guys for the help I have the mini SD and formatted it with FAT32, it did that fine. I also tried it without the update and it still did the same thing should I have the passkey 3 in with the m3 or just keep the m3 in there. It's just wierd when I turn it on with/whithout the passkey 3 it will load up and say gameboy on the top screen and then go to a blank screen no matter what. It's just wierd. Darn us newbies lol
Just thought i would correct Kafluke on one thing: Actually it's called a Passcard3, there is no such thing as a Passkey3, there is a Passkey1, Passkey2, [bold]Passcard2[/bold] and a Passcard3 , don't know what happened to the Passcard1 though. The Passcard2 is the same size as a DS game, but needed to programed in a much more complicated way than the Passkey2, so it never really got much attention.
Didn't the Passcard2 just require a sram.dat file on the media card? The passcard1 was probably scrapped...
Don't know, never had one, never knew it exsisted till the Passcard3 was anounced ¬_¬ If i wasn't so lazy/tired i would google it, but that can wait till tommorow
Thanks for the help I guess I will try it again when I get off of work hope it works. Actually I am running windows vista beta 2 could that be the problem when formatting it or something just a thought cheers....
Oh yeah when I downloaded the firmware which was e26 and it had cf and sd but no mini sd is the sd the same thing for that or different thanks in advance
SD is the same as miniSD Check to see what version of the firmware you have on your M3 first. If you're not using any games that were patched in the later firmwares, there's really no reason to upgrade right now
Using Windows Vista Beta 2 shouldn't be a problem, the gamemanager worked fine for me. Though I did here of a couple of people having problems with crashing. I'm back on XP now though, media playback in Vista is too unstable at the moment for my liking.