is the m3 lite the best for gba and gbc roms? does it even play gbc roms? what about snes? do i need a passcard to play just gba and gbc roms? or is the passcard just for nds roms?
the m3 lite should ba able to play gba roms just fine [except ones with special features: kirby tilt, boktai, etc.]. it can play gbc roms with an emulator being run on the m3. snes is kind of a stretch. it'll work a little bit, the ds is not so powerful to be able to emulate it. with the passcard you will be able to run ds based emulators of gbc and snes [which will give you better compatibility].
well i only wanna play mario rpg for snes.. so it dont really matter.. so for gba i dont need a passcard? but for gbc i do?
You don't need a passcard for either, you will need the actual emulator though Get goomba color for gb/gbc games here.