I have a few R4 cards, and they work wonderfully. However, they seem to be out of stock everywhere so I'll need to purchase an alternative... I've seen threads recommending the M3 Real, saying it's newer and cheap - but from the sites I've seen, this is one of the more expensive options... Does anybody have experience with the other cards listed? And what are your suggestions? Nobody on this forum seem to mention Cyclo / DSTT / N5 much...
I personnaly wouldn't recomend any of the other ones you listed. I have an M3 DS Simply and an M3 DS REAL. I would recommend you buy the M3 DS Real. If you find that the prices you are getting are pricy try this link. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2728
Thanks for the reply. Are there specific reasons as to why you wouldn't recommend the other cards? I have since read horror stories about the DSTT and the N5, but haven't found anyything on the Cyclo... although this is even more expensive than the M3 Real. The website's no good cos I'm in England, so am looking for a UK based supplier, although most I've searched are out of stock or charge ridiculous postage fees.
DealExtreme posts to the UK, and the shipping is free. If you want a UK store it will cost you more, but try Addict Supplies, they are out of stock on most things but last time I checked they still had the M3 Real in stock.
Maybe, it depends on where you go to buy it, but sometimes sites package the micro SDs with the M3 pack ( i just got one and i bought it in a package with an 8gig micro SD ).
if i were you, i do choose Me Real. coz M3 Real is highest quality in these 4 . But Compare with R4, i will choose R4 I bought one r4 from http://www.gamekool.com/r4ds-c-1.html, I think this website is good,hving lots of other game accessories . you can check this out yourself