Hey guys, this is my first post on here! So I'm having a little trouble. I've had my ds real for a while now and I got the sakura when it was unofficeal and I was great, but the us virsion came out and I was so excited and I put it on my card and it starts with the selection screen that's like" you want the sakura or touch" and the touch one works fine, but when I go to the sakura one it goes to the now loading screen and then the top screen goes black and the bottom just says now loading forever. Freezes there and that's it, I could do the old one but I just don't be why it freezes. Any help would be sweet. Thanks
Try the paper shim trick I have had this with two of my cards - the new Sakura seems very fussy, it needs an excellent contact or it fails to load - touchpod always loads. Also check one of your buttons is not stuck down, touchpod carries on Sakura freezes at loading, if you release the button it continues to load
could you explain the paper shim trick, i was having a similar problem except instead of sakura loading both screens would go completely black
Put a thin piece of card, or folded over paper between the back of the card and the back of the DS - to push the card forward on to the contacts of the DS card slot. The only other issue with Sakura is - if you were tempted to look at the morning timer then you will have to reload the system file
Thanks guys. I had tried to reinstall and it is working great. It must have just messed up on the extraction or the trasfer. So thanks for the replyz.