been reading around and i wanted to know what an m3 real was. does anybody know? from googling it, all i know is that its the same as m3 simply, but compatible SDHC. anybody know more or can comfirm this? i also found this too. =] (i dont know if you can just use a english firmware though).
Wow, I've never heard of that before, I'll have to read up on this... Edit: It seems the M3Real is a clone of the G6Real, but with MicroSD card support, just like what they did with the old Slot-2 cards. Here's a review.
i couldnt get in because i have to be a member, and the registration didnt work for me for some reason. whats special about this m3 real? i dont have a g6 so im not sure how it works.
wow thats cool, compatible with HC cards. plus a new interface. and that guy taking the pictures has a yellow ds! LOL
Let's wait till next month for more reviews. I wonder if they use they same cheatfunction as the M3 Simply or the crappy one I got on the M3 Lite -.-