M3 Sakura

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by smbhb, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. smbhb

    smbhb Member

    Apr 20, 2009
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    I am trying to install M3 Sakura on my M3DS Real card but i am unsure of where exactly on the card i need to install it. I can't seem to find any info that tells me which folder i need to install it on. I also need to know where to install programs such as moonshell.
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    All you need is the system folder, moonshell (a version) is included.
    To locate the software, you can go to www.handheldsources.com, or the site in my signature.

    Once downloaded (I think you need to unzip it - cant remember) but it is a program you need to install. Once installed select the language and change it to English, the last option on the top menu bar is set up Sakura.

    Connect your micro Sd and it will do it straight on to the card.

    Once set up you will see a system folder on the card, right click next to this and create a new folder call it NDS and put your roms into it.

    1) Do not overfill the card - this will corrupt it when starting games - leave 1MB per rom to create the save and options file
    2) If you have a large SD card - no more than 128 roms per folder - create a folder and call it something else - Brain Games etc


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