Okay so some are saying it works and some are saying it doesn't. I can't get it to work so can somebody tell me if its even possible?
Download Play for Mario Kart on the M3DSS does not work with the latest (1.02) firmware. It allegedly works with older firmware (can't remember the specific version) but it could be hearsay.
Thank GOD someone else is having the same problem I'm having... Where are you getting firmware from? Can't find it (may be missing it) on m3adapter.com and looked on dualscene.net only to find no firmwares. What's the latest firmware? Where do you get it? How do you upgrade?? (a little lost in case you didn't notice)
newest firmware here. upgrading involves placing the contents from the download (after unzipping or unrar-ing). onto the root of the microsd. i believe download play doesn't work because of RSA protection (look at the back of a ds lite: "RSA SECURED"). it WILL work on some games that are small enough to get by RSA (meteos) but not larger ones (mario kart ds). this may have been done to stop wifime (flashme installation done over wifi). so in order to get download play working on the other ds, just have it flashed [which removes rsa protection] (i also recommend opening up the ds properly (many guides online) and soldering the proper point, so as not to have a chance of messing up the flash). actually it may not be RSA's fault, since i'm not sure what RSA does... just blame nintendo for making backups unable to share its contents.
I've flashed all three ds's with flashme latest version. It makes no difference. Still not working with m3 simply
In theory the download play should work providing the games are clean dumps (no trimming/patching etc). As this keeps the RSA signiture intact. However there does seem to be a number of games that still won't work via download play when played off the M3 DS Simply/R4 DS. FlashMe should still resolve this issue though. I only have one of my DS's available to me at the moment, unfortunetly I cannot test anything between 2 DS's for a couple of weeks.
I have an R4, and multi-cart play works (where one cart is an original). I'm not sure about download play though. If you have the original, as you should, playing Mario Kart wirelessly shouldn't be a problem
Multi-Cart play works in a completely different way to download play. So it's not surprising that it would work. Luckily I do have an original Mario Kart, hence why I personally havn't run into these problems.
mr hanky. This is a completely raw dump. No trimming or anything. And all three of my ds's have been flashed with flashme. Download play still doesn't work.
Like I said, i only have 1 of my DS's available to me at the moment, so I cannot do any testing to find a soloution. I can only say what I know would cause problems. I would mention soft-reset as well, but thats not present in the earlier fimrwares and would still work with FlashMe. Untill I can test this myself I cannot think of a reason why it's not working (even with FlashMe installed ont he recieving DS)
Found out reason why "download play" does not work with m3 ds simply, on some games. Larger games like mario kart don't work because m3 ds simply patches the games, on the fly, this is why it requires a "clean" rom image. It will work with smaller games because they're not as chopped up by the patching process. M3 DS real will fix that problem (supposedly) because it's going to offer true 1:1 original cart emulation. --EDIT-- Read up on it: http://www.m3-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=7337
magus7091 please read, I already said that it is a clean image. Still not working. Thats okay though I just bought two more m3 simply's and they can play multiplayer no prob now. (just not download play)
You're responding to me, quoting someone else, stating things I did NOT say. Download play is not working because simply PATCHES the roms ON THE FLY. Meaning, you start with a clean dump, and ONLY a clean dump will work. The M3 Simply then patches it to make it work. If I had said what you're talking about I would have no problem with it, but if you want to be indignant, then make it over something I said, not something I didn't say.
it works i did it whit my firned u have to be 30 ft. away from eachother its easy i did it like 100 times
It is my understanding that a dump, clean or not, will break most download play. The dumping in and of itself breaks the RSA in some/most games. It has nothing to do with it's patching or lack thereof. Some have rumored success with two flashed DSs some have reported this does not work??? Runeman was this with the original cart or a backup? Also, here is a handy compatibility list...so far I have tested one...cooking mama and the demo works but there is no actual dl play. I will test elite beat agents tomorrow as that is listed as working as well. I don't know if the list will distinguish between demo play and download play. The demos so far have worked great for me but no DL play at all so far. http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/M3_DS_Simply_compatibility_list
I quoted myself man, then asked you to read my quote and see for yourself that I had already said that I am using a CLEAN dump and that is is NOT working. Calm down and don't start slinging insults. I promise you the mods won't put up with it here.