Hello everyone, I am new to homebrew and I need help choosing which to buy. After doing a lot of research, m3 seems like a good company to go with as far as support and productivity. I am debating between a slot-1 or a slot-2 based cart. I do not want to spend too much money, maybe around $80 or so. The M3 simply seems like the best option for me, only needing the cart and a micro sd card. But would the slot-2 based cards have better features/options/performance? I am looking to use homebrew apps such as AIM(or messaging software), music/video players, web browsing, and want to be able to play my nintendo DS games in one cartridge instead of switching all the time. Would the m3 simply be the best option for me? I know these are a lot of questions, but Ive been reading so much and even tough its been digesting better, its still all very complex. THANKS IN ADVANCE!
Yeah i know, i just got into this homebrew scene and have been researching all month. I dont think there's much difference as far as performance goes. I think the only big thing different is that the M3 lite cant play GBA games. If you arent really interested in playing GBA games then get the M3 Simply as it is cheaper.
hmm i see, thats good to know. I already knew that the M3 simply couldnt play GBA games, and thats okay considering the price difference between the two. The M3 simply is about $50 cheaper than the others. It seems a lot more convenient and easier to use too.