which would be the better choice and where should I order? I NEED it to arrive by thursday morning. I remember someone mentioning a site that charged $40 with free shipping and got it to him in two days. anyone know what that site is?
I can't think of any sites that can guarantee delivery in that time. You could try divineo.cn (choose China) and then pay a stupidly high amount for their fastest shpping option. Why is it so urgent that you get one by Thursday? (if you don't mind me asking)
after looking through the first 10 pages, I found out that the site is nxpgame.com. a bunch of people in the thread said they got it in two days and I checked and the warehouse is based in New York, where I live, so it should come here in time. it wasn't free shipping like I thought but still only $44 with shipping. Im going on a road trip on thursday, which is why I need it.
hmm, well it shipped yesterday, didn't get it today. I know r4 doesn't require roms to be patched, so if I were to put all my roms on my memory card today, would I be able to plug the card in and start playing them immediatley when it comes tommorow?
ok, thanks so, I just download english-1.09 from R4's website, extract it, copy everything in there to the micro sd card, and copy the roms to anywhere on the card and im good to go?
I'm not sure how the R4 firmware is zipped, but you basically need a _DS_MENU.DAT file and a _system_ folder, find these and copy them over. There are also two other things if you want moonshell, called something like _DS_MNSL.NDS and a moonshl folder (not sure if those filenames are exactly right)
theres folder: "_system_" folder: "moonshl" "_DS_MENU.DAT" "_DS_MSHL.nds" thats everything, right? and it doesn't matter where on the card I put the roms?
Correct, those 4 things you listed must go in the root (top directory/beginning) of your MicroSD. ROMs can be placed anywhere (I have mine in a folded called 'NDS') Make sure you don't fill up the MicroSD as you need 4MB of space that the R4 writes a file to the first time you run it, plus 512KB of space for each game you have (for the save files)