M3DS Real, Chinese or USA from console source clear up!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Rleeson85, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Rleeson85

    Rleeson85 Member

    Apr 6, 2009
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    Ok yeah I am a new guy here but I really do not feel this is a dumb question! OK so I had read through most of the topics on this product even the where to buy thread!
    Well I have already ordered mine and should be here soon, but I am trying to find out why when I look on the website it says on the picture of the card this website www.GBA/PHA. com or something like that on it? Now I have been reading that the card should say something like www.M3adapter. com right? OK well I am thinking from what I am reading that the ones that say www.gba/pha on it or whatever are maybe the Chinese version? am i correct on that?
    Also I have gotten mine from www.consolesource.com. Now I have read that it was an ok site but have not read from anyone that has gotten one from them and with feedback on or about anything like this!

    So if you know anything at all about the site selling these if they are OK! or about the web address that I seen on the pic of the card?
    then please reply to this and let me know.
    Any info would be great I am really hoping I do not get a fake or a non English version that I cant use!

    And here is the link that take u directly to the product pic I am talking about from consolesource.

    Click here
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    I think you will actually get a US version as this is a very old photo, all have the Sakura logo in the corner now. When it arrives if you have a chineese version (marked on the box) you have to put the correct region software on as it is region locked
  3. Rleeson85

    Rleeson85 Member

    Apr 6, 2009
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    Thank you so much for the reassurance that I should be fine with getting the US version I would hate to have to wait to return it! But you were saying that I could make the Chinese version work with the US version now I read that you could solder it and maybe re vamp the firmware or something but most the threads on that topic are really old is there anything for sure that would work to save me having to send the item back? Maybe without having to open up the chip and solder? It be great if there was a working patch that I can put on it, maybe u could provide a link for the DL that would be greatly appreciated.
    And again thanks so much for the response! I really would like it if anyone here could tell me if they have ordered from this place and they got the US version and not the crappy Chinese version!

  4. Rleeson85

    Rleeson85 Member

    Apr 6, 2009
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    OK so if u read all the stuff that I typed at the top and all of my concern on this product coming from www.consolesource.com and how they show it being a picture of the Chinese version of the M3DS real which you can see via OP's link at bottom via "Click here" So basically I emailed them asking if it is going to be the Chinese version with the white chip or if its the USA version that says www.M3adapter.com on the card itself and here is there reply

    "Yes, ConsoleSource.com carries the M3's from www.m3adapter.com"

    OK s I hope this will help anyone else who decides to order from these people for it is a really cheap place and it seems that they are really fast it will be here tomorrow and I only ordered it 3 days ago! but yea I would suggest that this is prolly one of the better places to go for the M3DS real!

    I will post one more time tomorrow when it arrives to let you know for sure when it is i my hand!

    and thanks again for all your help with assuring me that it was prolly an old picture!

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