I've had my M3DS Real for a few months now and up until a couple of days ago was working fine. Now, when i play a game after about playing for about 20mins it tends to freeze and i have to switch the DS off and then on again. I've got the latest firmware, forget what it is. Anyone help at all?
could be your micro sd memory mate playing up , what brand , size is it ? 4 or 8 gb kingston , a-data , etc......... are good brands , the m3ds real likes fast speed memory class 4 or 6 if thats possible .
could be the game roms you are playing? same thing happens with all your games? class 4 or 6 is the speed of the memory card. higher the class, faster speed (i think).
Already done that. I formatted and upgraded the firmware about a week ago and the problem was still there
Either you have a faulty microSD card or the game your using is faulty, try anther microSD if it works than your old one is fuxored if doesn't work try to get the game at anther source.