So I've googled all up and down the internet (if I ever needed another reason to think google was absolutely friggin' useless this was it) and turned up absolutely nothing helpful except for a poorly-written GBA .cht "wiki" that was confusing and largely unhelpful. I'm assuming the engine for the cheats on the GBA expansion of the M3DSReal is AR, the same as for the DS. How, then, do I get cheats working for it? Don't tell me to use the downloadable ones, as even the English ones are in chinese and don't do anything except screw up the game and make it unplayable at best. According to what I was able to get from the wiki the cheats need to be modified somehow and fed through a program and converted and modified again and then transcoded to .cht... which really doesn't sound anything like the "easy and simple" system the M3DS is advertised as. The cheats I'm looking for specifically are for the Gen 3 pokemon games (ruby/sapphire/emerald/firered/leafgreen). Once again, I've tried the downloaded cheatfiles from the website and all that results in is gaemraep.
1. That is an awfully nice attitude and one that will surely get you far. You think you are entitled to a reply or something? 2. Google rocks. 3. The number one search result on Google for "gba cheat files" is a posting on this very forum: 4. Afterdawn rocks. 5. The posting suggests "I just put the folder "GBA_CHEAT_ENG" in the root directory. When you select the gba file it will send you to the game load screen. Right above Cheat file there is an option so "Select File" select your cheat file & cheat file will be turned on. I had to edit the .cht file. I made my own without using the different programs. Check for more information." which would seem to me to be useful. 6. Once you figure this out, how about posting the results for others in your situation? 7. Did I mention the attitude? Good luck.
I guess I need to mention the fact that you obviously DIDN'T READ MY INITIAL POST. 10 points for that, especially after pointing out my "attitude". Considering my attitude resulted in a reply much faster than my rather informative original post, I'd say it works rather well for me. Now, to what you were saying. You missed the part where I said I've ALREADY TRIED THE DOWNLOADABLE .CHT FILES FROM SEVERAL SITES AND EVEN THE ENGLISH ONES ARE IN CHINESE. Here, I'll quote a few snippets from my own first post to refresh your memory a bit: See what I did there? I want to know how to compile my own .cht files and I want a straightforward way of doing it. It doesn't have to be EASY, just WELL EXPLAINED. Not like the .cht wiki which is basically "some of this might work, some might not, over here you have to delete the 82 and then run it through the converter and then add a 33 and take away the 0, this only works on 50% of the cheats that are ARv3 with a 34 in there somewhere, or maybe just the..." Needless to say I get goddamn pissed off when the guide itself can't just settle on WILL IT WORK OR WON'T IT. This seems to be a great deal harder than a) it should be and b) it was advertised as being. Once again for those who missed it: THE DOWNLOADABLE ENGLISH .CHT FILES ARE STILL MOSTLY IN CHINESE AND PERFORM SEVERAL GREAT FUNCTIONS NOT LIMITED TO WRECKING THE GAME OR RENDERING IT UNPLAYABLE. Not to mention the fact that I can't read chinese so I don't know wtf they're intended to do in the first place. So do you maybe want to try responding again? This time, add a dash of helpful and maybe a little pinch of reading the other guy's post.
Well, found a solution, no thanks to this place. Considering I'm such an accommodating bloke though I'll let you in on the secret. It was a combination of VBA-M, the english (hacked) 1.12 sakura/tripleloader f'ware for the M3 and gameshark .sps export batteries. So before you go licking each others asses about how great this place is, I didn't find a single thing I was looking for here. Did notice a great deal of threads with a great deal of elitist fückbag comments like "LOL LRN2GOOGLE NOOB" and "LOL USE TEH SERCH FUNCTION WE DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO HELP YOU" which is odd considering the time you took to post a totally unhelpful douchey response. That's all by the by anyway, I'm sure you fags are going to ban me for this, so go right ahead. You didn't help me so I don't owe you thanks, and one member was a right ass to me which is deserving of some comment. Go eat a dick.