I understand that the DS Simply now only comes with a black shell. I was wondering if any place sold just the white shell for the Simply?
are u sure yours m3dss didn't come with the white shell. well if i were you just resale your m3 or return it, and buy R4, cause R4 has white shell. also i'm not using my white shell, and how much would u like to buy for it.JK
well I havent purchased one yet, but i plan on purchasing an M3 DS. And from what Ive been reading, the M3 simply stopped coming with both colored shells, they only supply one now. If i read correctly, the M3 comes with only black now, and the R4 is only white....can anybody clarify?
Sometimes you gotta give it a while before you post back man, and be careful or you may be accused of post padding... As far as that goes, yes, m3 ds simply is grey/black (color of ds games) only, and R4 is white only.
In the last month, M3 changed the packaging scheme. They used to pack in a plastic display-ish case; but switched to a printed cardboard box(Probably a lot cheaper), the new package does not contain the white caing, and to my knowledge, that is not sold seperately elsewhere, which is somewhat unfortunate.
too bad the white casing isn't sold seperately or can be found elsewhere--the grey/black is dull and boring
My M3 simply came in a shiney clear plastic case but did not come with a white shell...am I being jipped? It does seem as if the case was opened alrady because each side was taped closed...
I've bought 2 and neither came with a white caase. As far as the box being taped, that's not something I've seen before, but I would say try it, and push it HARD. If it acts up, get an rma, or if you feel you've been jipped (spelling??) then see if the store you bought from would RMA, tell them you got a used one. --EDIT-- By push it I don't mean to physically push on it, I mean do everything you can think of to get it to mess up, and see if it does.
It's purely down to the popularity of the m3ds ! The factory cannot keep up with demand and the moulding machine is running 24/7 producing white shells for R4, which the factory sell and grey/black for the m3ds, which m3 sell. In the early days there were plenty of spare shells available, but the fact that you frequently see m3ds and r4 as "out of stock" shows that demand is outstripping supply. The circuits are mass produced at the factory, it's the shell moulds that cause all the delays, hence no spare shells supplied anymore! Hope that helps.