Howdy Folks: I rummaged thru the searches - Noob so hope you can be patient and assist - recently tried to hook up my router - linksys BEFSR41 v3 latest firmware 1.05.00 as soon as I plug in router and set up Azureus - my downloads take off then sluggo - I am noob to the router thang so wonder if someone can assist - I have looked at the Az Wiki but get easily confused - as I do about Static IP address on the PortForwarding site- I know my router is on the list of not great routers if you can assist - cheers in advance
Does Azureus indicate that you are connected properly (i.e. NAT OK) when you are connected to the Internet without your router?
howdy David456: Yes - connected directly to cable modem all good- once I connect the 4 port router I get yellow /blue smilely's and red NAT with firewalled cheers:
Good. Now you have to configure NAT Port Mapping on your router. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your Linksys router's software, but NAT Port Mapping is what you need to configure.