I currently have a custom built pc but it is running on windows vista home premium, is there any way how i can go to a apple mac operating system?
2 options 1:Buy a Mac 2:OSX86 project if you mean mac OSX on your custom built pc If you do osx86 make sure your hardware is compatibe Sorry for grammer and spelling I'm using my iPod touch Hope That Helps The Original Mr PuFFiN
Ok cool Efix!! Problem unless you live in the swiss area or some other country you cannot get it in the u.s.a or even the u.k where the software manufacter is based out of kinda looks like a scam to me.
I don't believe it's a scam. Here is an independent review: http://gizmodo.com/5049756/review-efix-dongle-perfectly-transforms-pc-to-mac