Just bought it at a Walmart yesterday for $149. Has an SDTV digital tuner that works with either off air (either analog or digital) or analof/digital cable. I have it hooked to the Motorola cable DVR by it's rear A/V video input plus the tuner is hooked up to an outside TV antenna since Comcast (Houston) doesn't carry all of the local DTV channels such as the other 4 TBN networks, two of the OIN networks, one spanish language PBS DTV channel or a second CW music network called The Tube. Channel changing takes about 2 seconds as it scans the channel before it finally shows it. Oh & if you load a blank or recorded DVD it takes about 10 seconds to load while whatever TV channel you were watching is displayed. When you stop recording it takes a few seconds for the DVD recorder to write to disc but for me thats not a problem. Basically this is my first DVD recorder & I'm happy with it. So far it can record on 5 different DVD media's I've tried. The recorder will burn on both + or -R and this is what I've tried with it. Some old stock 4x Verbatim, 16x Maxell (Prodisc & Ritek), 16x Imation made by Moser Bour, 8x Imation made by CMC. All of this is -R. I haven't tried any +R media & the recorder will not burn (according to the manual) +R DL media. Anybody else have one of these? If so what are your comments?
The magnavox ZC352MW8 unit works well - not great. I haven't figured out how to make my dvd's readable on other units. Magnavox support seems limited to a phone call. I also have to reprogram my local channels on a regular basis (this is automated, but never-the-less a pain). There's no fire port. It takes a while to load a DVD (whether it's blank or a movie). All-in-all it's worth the money. I had an ILO DVD burner prior to this one that blow this away - however that unit burned out just after a year.
Read your manual. It will tell you how to finalize a disc so it will play on other machines. If you don't have a manual then leave a message here & I'll explain how to do it plus tell you how to rurn on auto finalization when the recorder reachs the end of a disc. As to reporogamming the local OTA DTV channels mine never has that problem. Set it once & it stays set....
Hello bratcher. I bought the same magnavox that you have. I lost the manual long before i tried to learn how to program it to record shows while i am not at home. can you tell me how its done, or recommend where i can get a new manual for the recorder? If i sent you a self addressed stamped envelope would you send me a copy of the manual? I feel stupid having a machine that i dont even know how to use it!!! Thanks Shawn
juzshoppon What model ilo. an 04 or 05. If an o4 It can be repaired and should be What is/was wrong in its operation Do you still have it If not wanted. It has a value and I would be interested
Send me a private message on the system & I'll give you my full name & address. I'll need yours too & will gladly pay copy & shipping costs. Anything to help!!
Bratcher, i sent a private message, i think! Ive only been here a few days and not sure if it actually went through. Could you let me know if it came through or not? Thanks Shawn
Thanks for the replies on this thread. I called the support number (800 605-8610). They were very helpful. On the disc title screen, press stop twice - this will put you in a blank screen where you can press setup and navigate to disc edit and finalize. I found out last week that you can also set up the unit to finalize when the disc is full.