Major Media

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by P2OG, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. P2OG

    P2OG Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    does anyone know what software the networks use to edit video? Is it mpeg4 format or something beefier.Ill bet its high end on the budget scale.
  2. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    Networks? if you are talking TV, they still use BetaMax. Best picture quality available. Outside of that I haven't really mixed it up with MPEG 4 yet. But the norm for quality seems to be MPEG II.
  3. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    Oops didn't mention anything about the software. What is it you want to do? Are you editing something like making a movie yourself from VHS, DV etc. Or are you ripping and burning?
  4. P2OG

    P2OG Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    burning a dvd like the ones we copy,in HD. To make a pro style video from DV home camera. I guess beta is the key. I thought mpeg4 was VOB HD quality.
  5. P2OG

    P2OG Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Ill be studying afterdawns glossary before asking anymore bonehead questions which is what I shouldve dont in the first place.Thanks
  6. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    If you are looking to edit and create your own media by streaming VHS or DV to your HD. I would suggest a software such as Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus [Not 10 Plus; yet that is. It's still beta and the bugs are being worked out]. There are similar softwares such as Ulead Media Pro. DVDLab makes a fine software as well. These all incorporate professional style transistions and special effects. I've used Studio 9 Plus and earlier versions for about 3 years with outstanding results. Gives the family movies a whole new look having the ability to add titles, and scene special effects and overlays and such. I love it.

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