Alright, I just bought a new computer with a DVD burner and im having a hell of a time trying to back up my many of DVD's. I first was able to burn 2 DVD's very nicely. After I was done everything worked perfectly on the burnt DVD. But you see the first 2 I burned had no extras and a very small file size. Then I tryed to burn a movie with like 2 hours of extras and stuff like that. So I did the same steps as I did before with my last two DVDS. Steps I took: 1.Decrypted 2.DVD Shrink 3.Backup from the DVD shrink section. But when the burning was finished there was no dialog when the actors would move there mouths. All I want to do is just burn the movie, I dont need the extras or anything like that so can someone help me out. I have gone through 3 burnable dvds trying to burn movies with some sort of extra's and stuff and when I play the movie there is no dialog. I need help before I waste any more DVDS.
Hey Nuff, Welcome aboard. First off, you use DVDSHRINK to remove unwanted folders and DVDDECRYPTER to burn. Read the dvdshrink guide it is very helpful. Sounds like to me you removed all your audio folders. Leave the folder with the language you want checked. Hope this helped. Good luck.