Hi. I have a simple question. I have a big collection of music videos with the audio at 64kbps 44khz WMA 9.1. I extract the audio to a .WAV file. On my speakers there are three controls, one for volume, bass and treble. When I move the treble to the max it sounds like 128kbps with all the highs and less muffled. Is there an effect/filter/VST plugin that I can get to do to the audio what I do with my speakers?
the fact that your audio is encoded at 64kbps means that the quality of the sound will never be any better than 64Kbps. it only get worse. you cant add quality on to something that has none it just doesnt work that way you can try and improve the quality a bit with some professional editing tools like Acid pro but as it stands its not going to make a drastic improvement. My advice is next time encode your tracks at better quality in the first place
Okay, I don't want to improve the quality of the sound. What I want to do is make the highs more noicible like the controls on computer speakers have but actually apply it to the audio instead of having to use the speakers for that effect. What equalizer or effects or filters could I use to increase and make the sound of the highs more noticible. Thanks.
you can use acid pro to eq the tracks if thats what you need to do... but you can only encode so many mp3s before the free license is up you can get acid pro from http://download.com acid pro 4 is the one you want
Download a FREE sound editor --- Audacity -- here:- http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Load your piece in -- like so : FILE-->Open--to your piece. EDIT-->Select--> all. EFFECTS--> High Pass Filter Click OK Then press the PLAY Button to listen to it -- if you are happy -- click File again and Export or save as you like. There are a lot of filters there that will maybe help you achieve what you want to do. ! If you are not sure, try and undo if it's not to your liking. Have a great day!