Good News for you. Don't you need money? Click the following URL to sign up I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT REMOVE THIS URL dRD - Dela! ;-) Once you sign up, you will get a email to conduct you to activate your account with your basic information (you have to fill your real contact information, otherwise you cannot receive your check). That's it. At this point, you already make money $USD0.41. Send this information to your friends as many as possible or publish it on websites and log on everyday to take look at how much money you get. It's very simple. If you really need something from this website, you can make more money. In this way, you will get rich. Believe or not, just try. After all, you don't pay anything and the money is coming.
Wow! A real, honest-to-god get-rich-quick, money-for-nothing scheme! Thanks for letting us know.... BTW, your referrer-ID number gives you some indication of how many people have signed up before you in the pyramid scheme. Where do you think the money comes from? Sheeesh!!!! Psssttt!! Don't let everyone know, but I can offer you a share in the USD 15 million I am getting from Nigeria Real Soon Now(tm). Byeeeee....
Wow, admirable willingness for spam -- guy actually jumped through the several hoops that new users are required to jump -- create an account, activate it, etc to post one post (well, probably for more than one, but he soon found out that he can't multipost the same stuff more than once before system complains about it . Anyway, bye...