I have a few movies that I used the original DVDXCopy on. As you remember, the original DVDXcopy required 2 disks. How can I make these 2 disks 1 disk and get rid of that DVDXCopy screen? I now use DVDShrink, DVD Decripter, and Nero.
I am not sure what you mean, but it may be one of the questions I would like to ask also. I have been using DVDx copy and have about 100 movies which are now 2 disks per movie. It would be nice to be able to put those 2 disks on one disk like the original- I do not know of a way to do that, but if it can be done, someone here will know and hopefully help you (and me)--I have another question or two myuself and will post them after I check the threads to make sure they haven't been answered-- Whitfield
Thanks Flip, but I don't have one or two of the "originals" due to a recent move. Car.Mike, that won't work because DVDXCopy created the same VOB file names on both disks.
I'm fairly certain that Nero Recode can be used to copy both disk, provided they [bold]are[/bold] the copies,ie;non css encrypted,and use Recode to combine the two movies to one SL dvd disk.
Hi jmcole, Welcome to our little Club, An extremely easy way to do what you want is use DVD2One. This proggy has a "Seamless," "Join" mode that is excellent. It can be used for episodel projects or for putting a ""Flipper" back together again. Since it doesn't have a ripper of it's own and since your movies have the encryption removed you’ll be good to go http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd-r_tools/dvd2one.cfm If you wish to use it for newer projects, you can do your rips with DVD Decrypter (in the "file" mode) then use DVD2One for the rest and burn with the fryer of your choice - cheers, Pete